Make a Donation
As a charity, Burwell Museum Trust welcomes all donations, and every single pound we receive goes towards securing the future of the
museum and delivering its education programme, events and other activities.
Cash donations are welcome at the museum during your visit. You can drop coins down the Miller's Well (situated between the windmill and the main gate) or in the butter churn by the entrance to the Barn. Donations by cash, card and cheque can also be made in the Admission Hut and the Tea Room.
Below are other methods of donating when you are not at the museum itself.
Online with credit or debit card
Please click on the red button below and follow the instructions.(Opens in a secure new window/tab)
By cheque
If you would like to make a donation to the museum, please download the Gift Aid Form, fill it in and send with a covering letter and cheque made out to ‘Burwell Museum Trust’ to Burwell Museum, Mill Close, Burwell, Cambridgeshire CB25 0HL .
Leave a legacy
By including Burwell Museum Trust in your will, you will be joining other charitable benefactors who have supported the museum over many years. Your legacy will help ensure the success of the museum for future generations. Any gift you make to Burwell Museum Trust, a registered charity (no. 290431), will be exempt from Inheritance Tax. If you decide to include Burwell Museum in your will, please let us know so we can thank you and keep you up to date with our work.
Become a corporate sponsor
We are very keen to work with local businesses interested in supporting the museum, especially in exploring joint activities and ventures that foster local pride and confidence. Please contact us on to discuss how we can create opportunities that will help you achieve your corporate social responsibility aims while conserving our heritage and strengthening our local community.